Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.
~ Aldo Leopold
Our Mission
To conserve the original vision of Coto de Caza;
one of historic rural character, open space and undeveloped ridgelines, active and passive recreation,
existing in harmony within a one of a kind residential community,
to honor the intent and integrity of the Coto de Caza Specific Plan for current and future generations.
Quotable Quotes
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead
There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. ~ Sir Winston Churchill
and remember, each box tells a story...
Early Beginnings
Environmental Setting
Golf and Tennis
Tennis and Vic Braden
Vic Braden - Changing your Game
Riding and Hiking Trails
Community and Family
Our Wilderness Park Neighbors
1984 Summer Olympics
Orange County Land Planning - Specific Plan
Community Development Projects & CPAC
Who is Aldo Leopold?
Among many things, Leopold was a conservationist and writer. One of his best known ideas is the land ethic, which calls for an ethical, caring and interconnected relationship between people and nature.
“When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect... We are all part of the thinking community that needs to shape a land ethic for the 21st century and beyond... To do that, we must engage in thoughtful dialog with each other, inviting a diversity of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds. Together, we can form a land ethic that can be passed down to future generations."
~Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac, 1949
More Quotable Quotes
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